
Down to a three-horse race for the two EPS?

After completion of the group stage of the european cups, it is time to recalculate the expected number of points for each of the clubs who have qualified for the knock-out stage of the tournaments. When doing this, it becomes obvious that the standard listing of already awarded points in the ‘UEFA Country Coefficients 2023/2024’ does not give a correct impression of who will capture the two EPS at the end of the campaign.

Kvalifisering for Europacup 2024/25

Etter helgens cupfinale er det klart hvilke norske klubber som neste sommer skal delta i kvalifiseringen til europacupene i sesongen 2024/25. Dette er altså den første sesongen med nytt format for gruppespill og utslagsrunder. Fokus er i første omgang på hvordan de norske representantene klarer å kvalifisere seg for gruppespillet og også her er det endel nytt.

European Performance Spots

The revised access lists for the European cups have recently been ratified and published. One of the main changes is that two of the four additional spots in Champions League shall be awarded the two best leagues in the previous season. The term is European Performance Spots (EPS).

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